Cannibalism, Gambling, and Cowboys

What do these three topics have in common?  The three games that I played last week.

The first game we played was a game I had never heard of (for good reason) called Chew.  It’s based on a comic book by the same name and apparently there is some form of cannibalism in the series.  I didn’t care for the game itself and I don’t think it would help much if I knew anything about the story.  Overall, I’ll give it a pass in the future.  The only redeeming quality of the game was that the five players we had could all play.

After that, the five of us played Lords of Vegas.  I love these game and I love trying to take over casinos in it (although it seldom works out for me).  The highlight of my game play was when I blow through $40 million on one turn trying to take over four casinos and only succeeding on one.  It was fun though.  This is one of the few games that I like with a higher player count and 5 is just about optimal, in my opinion.

The last game I played, Great Western Trail, was with just three of us.  This is one of my favorite games, but I haven’t played it in awhile.  Luckily, one of the other players had reviewed the rules in detail the night before and could fill in the gaps on the stuff I couldn’t remember.  We had a great time with it, but the winning player stomped the other two of us by quite a bit.  In fact, if you added our scores together, we would have tied him.  Still had a lot of fun playing.

I had brought Fields of Arle with the expansion that adds a third player.  However, I realized I really didn’t know how to add in the third player (or anything about the expansion (Tea and Trade) for that matter).  So, I’m going to try to review everything before we play again and try to get it to the table.  Fields of Arle is a game I’ve played quite a bit and really enjoy, but I’ve always played it solo, so looking forward to multiplayer with it.