Friday Gaming Update – Soldiers, Knights, and Farmers

This week I’ve been spending a lot of time learning the rules for Heroes of Normandie and playing some solo scenarios (just playing both sides to the best of my ability) and it’s a great game.  At some point soon, I plan to do a review of this game and I have some expansions coming soon that I’ll do an unboxing video (I have several videos that I’ve filmed, but haven’t edited and uploaded yet – hopefully coming soon).

I’ve seen many reviewers and forum posts that claim that Heroes of Normandie is a “light wargame”.  In my opinion, I disagree.  If you add in a few of the expansions, the rule set and complexity grows by leaps and bounds.  I have the Rules Compendium and I believe just the rules section is around 65 pages or so.   It isn’t so much that it’s a light wargame (IMHO), but that it has been well thought out and has eliminated the need for Combat Results Tables (CRT’s).  In my mind, that is a great thing.  I have other opinions about why I don’t think this is necessary that light of a wargame that I’ll share soon.

I also have B-17: Flying Fortress Leader set up on a different table and have read through all the rules.  When I can tear myself away from Heroes of Normandie, I’ll get some plays in on it and do a walk-through video of a session.  It looks incredibly interesting, so can’t wait to try it out.

I have a multiplayer session this weekend and have been learning the rules for Lancaster.  I’ve had this game for awhile, but haven’t been able to get it played.  I think this weekend there will be the right mix of players to get it to the table.  It’s really piqued my interest.

The other game I’m relearning is Fields of Arle, after being away from it for many months.  I’ve played this game many times solo, but if I get to play it this weekend with other players, it will have to be the three player variant, which will require the addition of the expansion.  I’ve never played the expansion, so I’m going through the rules on it as well.  My only concern playing this multiplayer is the large numbers of bits and pieces and trying not to lose anything.  It’s a straightforward game, so explaining it shouldn’t be much of an issue.

As I’ve mentioned in this post, I’ve been filming some videos, but don’t have them edited and uploaded yet.  I hope to ratchet that process up very soon.