Solitaire Game List

Back in July of 2015, I started a “Solitaire Games List” on Board Game Geek (BGG) to keep track and rate the solitaire games that I have either played or are in my collection to play at a future date, starting with one of the first games I played solo, Arkham Horror.  As time has gone along, whenever I get a new game, I’ve added it to the list.  A few of the games have also left my collection and I make a note of them as well.

On many of the BGG forums, users have created solitaire variants for games that don’t have an official solitaire variant.  I’m always surprised to find these solo variants for games that I can’t envision being able to play solitaire.  Two prime examples of this are 7 Wonders and Battlestar Gallactica.  Now granted, I haven’t tried them solo yet, but someone has actually taken the time to make them playable by one person – that’s pretty remarkable.

It’s hard to believe, but apparently Battlestar Galactica has an unofficial solo variant.

Currently, my “Solitaire Games List” has 247 games listed (and climbing)!  A few of those are games that I no longer have, but still a lot of games to try out.  I’m guessing I’ve played less than 10% of them solo (and that’s being generous).  Many of them I’ve played in multiplayer, but not solo, so they aren’t all just shelf candy.  In fact, a lot of the reason that the solitaire playing is going so slow is that I’m playing a lot of multiplayer (which I prefer) and currently have limited time for both.

For this blog, my plan is to cross reference the solitaire games I play both here and on the BGG list (but you know how plans go).  Until then, if you want some ideas for solitaire play, please check out my “Solitaire Games List“.