Friday Gaming Update

I knew that I was getting a lot of Heroes of Normandie and Shadows over Normandie stuff, but I’m shocked at how long it’s taking to organize everything.  I’m down to the last few bits, but still need to change out some of the stuff for the errata.  I did most of the errata change out for Shadows over Normandie and it wasn’t as difficult as I expected, but still took some time (like about two weeks).

So, once I get this organization done, I’m planning to film some game plays.  The first game I’ll probably do is B-17: Flying Fortress Leader.  I’ve had it set up now for awhile (but had to move it off the table several times).  I’m ready to get it played and post up a video of play.

Speaking of videoing, I’ve been gathering together my camera equipment and realized that I lost the charger for one of my cameras in a recent move.  I looked everywhere for it a few nights ago, but found nada.  So, had to order a new charger and just got it yesterday.  The good thing is the charger came with two new batteries, so I have no excuse now to record my plays and post on YouTube.

I don’t have any multiplayer games set yet for this weekend, since my regular group can’t meet, so I’m hoping to dive into some of my solitaire games (and finish the organizing).  Also, I’m planning to learn a couple of new multiplayer games for the next session, but haven’t identified which ones to focus on yet.

I’ve also been looking at getting Arkham Horror: The Card Game.  I really like Arkham Horror, but it’s a beast to put on the table and I usually play it solitaire because of the time commitment.  I have played it on Tabletop Simulator, which helps with those issues, but it loses something for me.  I’m thinking that Arkham Horror: The Card Game would be a good alternative.  However, it seems like quite the money pit once you get started.  If I didn’t have so many other games to play, I probably would go ahead, but I’m thinking I’ll hold off for awhile and either wait for a sale or wait until my game backlog is reduced somewhat.

I’ve also signed up for my events for GenCon this year.  I’ll write another post soon to talk about what I’ll be playing and the plans this year.