The game of Stone Age

Gaming over the Weekend

This weekend in a multiplayer session, I was able to play Biblios, which is a great little game; but one I don’t get to play often.  We also played Stone Age and Grand Austria Hotel.  It was a fun time, as usual, and we got a lot of great gaming in.  There were only two of us at this session and I realized that’s the number of players I like with Grand Austria Hotel;  when I’ve played with larger groups, the down time seems to be extreme with that game, but it was fine with two players.  Stone Age and Biblios I like at any player count.

I also spent a lot of time learning the rules for Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles.  I played through 3 scenarios, but haven’t made my mind up totally on what I think of this game.  It has some really realistic mechanics going on, but it doesn’t have the personality of Heroes of Normandie.  However, I had a lot of fun with it and plan on playing it quite a bit more until I decide what I think about it.  Also, it’s not a solitaire game, but plays fine solo.

I also have a new campaign set up for B17: Flying Fortress Leader.  I have bee waiting to play it because I plan to film the next campaign for YouTube.  One thing that’s been holding me back from posting more videos on YouTube is that I didn’t have an intro, but I made a very simple one over the weekend than I plan to post soon.

Well, back to dealing with those pesky Germans in Band of Brothers.  Whenever I’m learning a new system (especially on wargames), it takes a lot of my limited brain power, so I have to spread it out as much as possible.