Band of Brothers – Preparing for The Battle of Bloody Gulch

So far, I’ve played the first three scenarios of Band of Brothers:  Screaming Eagles and have set up the fourth scenario, which I hope to play today.  The photo above shows a close-up of the initial deployment of the 101st Airborne in Carentan.  Doesn’t look too scary until you look at the photo below with all of the Germans lined up to try and retake Carentan – especially when the Germans start getting tanks on the third turn and the US doesn’t get them until the eighth turn.  I can see why this battle was called “The Battle of Bloody Gulch”.

Yikes – That’s a lot of Germans prepping to retake Carentan!

So far, I’m really enjoying the Band of Brothers system and it’s been playing great solo.  The suppression system is genius and gives a feel for combat tactics (at least, my perception of combat tactics).  It plays super fast, is easy to set up, and doesn’t require a lot of looking up numbers on Combat Result Tables (CRT) – all of which is really important to me when I play solo (sometimes I get “CRT Fatigue” when I have to do a lot of chart lookups, especially solo).

After I get this scenario finished and complete some videos for B-17: Flying Fortress Leader, I hope to video the rest of the scenarios.  After that, I’ll probably do a video on my thoughts of the system.  For now, I think I hear the march of German boots.