Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch

Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles – The Battle of Bloody Gulch After Action Report

I just finished a solo play of scenario four, “The Battle of Bloody Gulch” from Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles.  It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about the game.  I’m looking forward to playing more and learning more about the system.

The German plan was to fix most of the 101st in their foxholes while a large force swung around to the west and attacked from that direction.  It was slow going for the German flanking force because of the hedge rows, but once they were in position, they were a formidable force.

The American plan was just to try and hang on until the 2nd Armored showed up.  If it was necessary, the troops in the foxholes would fall back to the town, which they did start to do in the fourth turn.

In the end, the Germans were just too much for the Americans.  The 2nd Armored did arrive, but on the same turn of their arrival, the Germans met their win conditions and the game was over.  Thank goodness I wasn’t the US commander for this battle in real life.

Below are some photos of each turn of the game.  I took these in the “Recovery stage” after removing the “Used Counters” but before reducing suppression.

Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch
At the end of the first turn. The Germans have moved out of their foxholes and are moving south toward Carentan.
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch
The Germans are preparing to make a frontal assault and also sending a flanking force around to the west of Carentan.
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch
Close up view of some of the hottest action after the second turn.
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch
The Germans have started their assault and have pushed some of the 101st out of their foxholes. It’s not looking good for the US right about now. Notice that the German tanks are now on the scene.
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch
More assaults by the Germans in the foxholes and the flanking force is getting closer. The German tanks are making their power felt.
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch
Right about here, I thought it was hopeless for the Americans. If they could hold for three more turns, the tanks would start rolling in.
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch
Things looked up on this turn for the 101st – the German advance stalled somewhat.
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch
German artillery strikes were devastating this turn. Plus, look at the large force to the west that’s now in position to strike. Luckily, the tanks of the 2nd Armored Division are on their way and arrive in the next turn.
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch
The 2nd Armored arrived and were really helping. Unfortunately, the Germans reached their goal of having five units in Carentan buildings at any time. So, the Germans won on Turn 8 or 10 possible turns. I thought the Americans were going to pull it out, but it wasn’t to be.
Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles Battle of Bloody Gulch
Closeup showing the five German units in the buildings.