The game of Stone Age

Gaming over the Weekend

This weekend in a multiplayer session, I was able to play Biblios, which is a great little game; but one I don’t get to play often.  We also played Stone Age and Grand Austria Hotel.  It was a fun time, as usual, and we got

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Friday Gaming Update

I knew that I was getting a lot of Heroes of Normandie and Shadows over Normandie stuff, but I’m shocked at how long it’s taking to organize everything.  I’m down to the last few bits, but still need to change out some of the stuff

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Solitaire Game List

Back in July of 2015, I started a “Solitaire Games List” on Board Game Geek (BGG) to keep track and rate the solitaire games that I have either played or are in my collection to play at a future date, starting with one of the

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Gaming this weekend

This past Saturday, I met up with some friends to play games.  There was another guy at the game store looking to play, so he joined us as well. We started off playing Stock Pile because we thought another guy might be playing as well,

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